Free Coding Resources

Hey there, fellow aspiring coders! I want to share something personal with you—starting on this coding journey can feel like standing at the edge of a vast abyss, uncertain and a little scared. Believe me, I've been there too. But together, we can conquer this fear and unlock the amazing world of coding. To help you on this vulnerable quest, I've gathered the top 10 free coding websites that have turned me from a nervous beginner into a coding warrior.

"Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise" - Horace

Starting is the hardest part, right? It's like taking a leap into the unknown, unsure of what lies ahead. But let me remind you that courage isn't the absence of fear; it's about facing those fears head-on. These incredible websites I'm about to share will be your companions, guiding you through the darkness and illuminating the path to coding mastery. Each of these platforms has shown me that vulnerability is a strength, and it's okay to stumble along the way. From interactive lessons that gently hold your hand to supportive communities where you can share your triumphs and struggles, you'll find solace and encouragement in these virtual realms.

#1 Codecademy

Key Features

Extensive selection of free coding classes in multiple languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, and more


Offers hands-on learning experiences, interactive coding exercises, and a user-friendly interface for beginners.

Key Features

Extensive selection of free coding classes in multiple languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, and more


Offers hands-on learning experiences, interactive coding exercises, and a user-friendly interface for beginners.

Key Features

Beginner-friendly and campy introduction to coding, covering HTML, CSS, and UX design in short daily lessons.


Offers an approachable learning experience, easy-to-follow curriculum, and requires only a few minutes per day.

Key Features

Free, open-source coding lessons covering web development topics like UX design, accessibility, and responsive design.


Backed by Google, providing reliable and up-to-date information about industry best practices and web standards.

Key Features

Extensive collection of coding tutorials, particularly focused on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL.


Known for its clear and concise explanations, practical examples, and wide coverage of web development concepts.

Key Features

Free online learning platform with coding courses suitable for beginners, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Offers interactive coding exercises, comprehensive curriculum, and a learner-friendly environment with a focus on accessibility.

Key Features

Online learning marketplace with thousands of coding courses, including a selection of free classes for beginners.


Offers hands-on learning experiences, interactive coding exercises, and a user-friendly interface for beginners.

Key Features

Provides free coding classes suitable for beginners, with a particular focus on promoting coding education in schools.


Beginner-friendly courses, interactive activities, and resources to engage young learners in a playful and educational manner.

Key Features

Offers coding challenges, or “katas,” in various programming languages, promoting problem-solving and algorithmic thinking.


Offers coding challenges, or “katas,” in various programming languages, promoting problem-solving and algorithmic thinking.

Key Features

Free online course resembling a coding bootcamp, covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals.


High-quality instruction, real-world project-based approach, and a curriculum designed to build practical coding skills from scratch.