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Embracing Coding Challenges

After years of begging my parents for rides and coordinating lifts from friends’ parents, I finally started learning how to drive this past March, just weeks after turning 15 and a half. Though most teenagers crave the independence driving brings, I faced steep learning curves that shook an already anxious nature. Sitting tense at 10-and-2 between my dad, who is also my driving instructor, I gritted my teeth against distractions. The roar of engines, blinking turn signals, and endless arrays of mirrors and knobs, seemingly fast moving traffic threatened to overwhelm each attempt to recall the pedal routines making those first few drives feel endlessly long and hopeless. Yet within a few months, driving started clicking. Tuning the radio, merging lanes, changing lanes and even highway on-ramps no longer sent me into anxiety overdrive or threw me off course. These days I glide through my neighborhood almost on autopilot, still humming with the thrill of capability so newly unlocked. I just turned 16 and that white-knuckled 15-year-old who once overlooked shoulder checks now seems hazy compared to the highway-cruising version of me today and I am ready to take my driving test next month so I can obtain my license. 🚗 I share this as everytime we begin to learn something new, including coding, it is tough. And it’s important to not forget just how nerve-racking those initial unfamiliar lessons felt. Expertise hides the humble beginnings of once-anxious novice. For you coders, starting out can get overwhelming as you are learning new strange syntax, wrestling with bugs beyond understanding, struggling to comprehend cryptic errors. Early days spent battling a computer that speaks an alien language are uniquely frustrating to new learners, including me. But before long, concepts click and logic flows more intuitively. Frustration fades into reward seeking mastery. Curiosity emerges to fill knowledge gaps. Setbacks still arise but feel less personal, simply part of the learning journey. I hope you recognize the sheer beauty of being a beginner as I did. Remembering how I felt as a novice driver and coder made me realize how far I have come, and reminds me that I can accomplish anything if I put in deliberate, consistent practice. When the going gets tough, remind yourself that you can get through it, and expertise and mastery lies on the other side of this journey.

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